Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Corporations and Performative Allyship for Reproductive Rights

Performative allyship happens when a person or group claims to be an ally to a marginalized group for their own personal reputation over the actual needs and concerns of the marginalized group. I see this happening with these corporations right now for several reasons.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

How to Reboot Your Leadership Momentum in 4 Practices

Even more so, you may have noticed a critical transformation with your employees. These world changes have awoken hidden needs and desires for safe, meaningful, and sustainable work throughout one’s life. Employee turnover is a major problem right now. How are you facing this challenge?

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

3 Recommendations for Pride Month

What are you doing to celebrate Pride? Here are 3 recommendations for increasing your awareness and becoming a better ally for the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

What is Pay Justice? Dismantling Inequities in Pay

After working with several employers, I have found that pay decisions impact employees on a deeply personal level because pay is tied to paying the bills and providing for loved ones - basic survival. The ingredients of a pay system are incredibly important.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Women’s History Month Resources

Since 1987, March has been known as Women’s History Month in the United States. This designation provides a month to lift up and celebrate women of the past, present, and future. As a 100% woman-owned firm, we celebrate our history every day. Here are some resources for you to use in deepening your knowledge and practice.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Honoring bell hooks: An Appalachian Love Scholar

We learn how to love in each stage of life, and we bring love to our workplaces. As hooks notes, “Self-love cannot flourish in isolation.” As leaders, we can bring a love ethic to our workplaces. She defines it as, “A love ethic presupposes that everyone has the right to be free, live fully and well.”

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Planning is My Superpower AND My Disability

If you’ve collaborated with me, then you know that an Excel spreadsheet is my best friend. I always have an internal laugh when I hear that feedback because my organization is a major coping skill for my ADD. Being able to sort information and tasks into predetermined categories and places allows my brain to rest and my body to sleep at night. Can you relate?

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Nonprofit Leadership Share Secrets to Building Strong Partnerships

New partnerships and alliances are one best practice from the last 18 months. However, how do you sustain these relationships? And when is it time to build new ones? Three local nonprofit leaders were asked to share their experiences and summarize the needs, goals, and measures in a recent webinar that I facilitated.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

What Exactly is Capacity Building? And Do We Need It?

How do measure your internal capacity? Do you know when transitions are requiring more than your team can give? Maybe your organization needs a down swing to make critical adjustments. The accordion of capacity is always playing these days. Conducting a capacity assessment may be a helpful next step for growth and change.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

How to Start an Internship Program

For years, I thought that internship programs were posh experiences in financial firms for Ivy League college students. I never thought an internship program was a possibility at our business. Well, I was wrong. Internship programs are great opportunities to recruit talent in highly competitive market.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

This Woman’s Work: Getting Paid Your Worth

Today I’m talking about my favorite topic – pay equity. The USWNT have been fighting for better pay and working conditions, just like so many women have been fighting for decades. As of 2020, women make 82 cents to every dollar made by men.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

This Woman’s Work: Taking Care of Yourself

Beyond the physical and mental upheaval of workplace sexual harassment, women must face economic uncertainties, too. These may include job loss, lower earnings, missed opportunities for advancement, and loss of benefits such as health insurance and retirement savings.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

This Woman’s Work: The Caregiving Dilemma

Women’s participation in the labor force took a significant dip due to the pandemic, specifically the lack of childcare. However, the issues impacting women were present before this situation and will still be present afterwards.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

This Woman’s Work: What Women Bring to Work

I’m excited to share a new series called This Woman’s Work, which highlights the different challenges that women face as we are asked to bring our whole selves to work. Women are not monoliths, and we bring a deep and varied experience to every role. We also bring intersectional identities that enhance our perspectives.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

What HR Policies Need to Be Updated Post-Pandemic

No matter what training or certification one HR professional might have, nothing could have fully prepared us for the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid movement to a changing workplace. HR professionals, which includes people who may manage HR as one of many responsibilities, have been making critical, life-changing decisions for employees for 15 months. And the change continues.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

How to Start a Nonprofit Board

Managing a board can be a full-time job for a nonprofit director. Board meetings require large amounts of preparation and planning. The board members may rotate every year, so a nonprofit director is constantly bringing on new people. Plus, nonprofit boards are volunteer positions, which means that board member engagement can wane in busy times.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

Building LGBTQ+ Awareness in a Safe Zone

When the bank leader came out in our retreat, I thought that was the only time that she needed to come out. Little did I know that coming out is series of decisions made over a lifetime. “Coming out” is just one term within a new vocabulary I had to learn.

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Sally Loftis Sally Loftis

The Recommendations – A Global Case Study in Virtual Teaming

Virtual teaming requires a special effort within the entire group to build and sustain virtual connections in a new way. After our student committee worked together virtually and across continents for five months, here are our recommendations for virtual teaming.

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