Strategic Planning & Pay Equity

Listen to the episode. Watch the episode. Access the full transcript. Here is a summary of our conversation:

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Sally Loftis (Timestamp :19)

·  Lyndsie Barrie introduced Sally and her business, Loftis Partners

·  Lyndsey asked Sally to talk about starting her business or recommendations

Chapter 2: (Timestamp 2:27)

·  They talked about Sally using podcasts as marketing.

Chapter 3:  Pay Equity

·  How did Sally decide to work in the area of pay equity

·  Sally talks about how pay equity works

Chapter 4:  Who is your market? (Timestamp:  5:33)

·  Sally says her customers come from various ways

·  Loftis Partners works with mostly non-profits organizations when they come to her and think they have a pay problem

Chapter 5: (Timestamp 7:33)

·  Sally discusses what organizations need when they hire her.

·  Sally talks about average income in the US and how that relates to the organizations that she works with.

Chapter 6: (Timestamp:  11:00)

·  After the conversations, how long does it take to make the changes?

·  Sally talks about the differences from organization to organization

Chapter 7: (Timestamp:  12:20)

·  DEI and how it relates to the client

Chapter 8: (Timestamp: 13:20)

·  Sally talks about how her company completes the work

Chapter 9: (Timestamp: 14:18)

·  What are Sally’s favorite projects?

Chapter 10: (Timestamp: 15:31)

·  Lyndsie asks Sally what her “ah-ha” moment about starting her own business.

Chapter 11: (Timestamp 17:27)

·  What were Sally’s first steps when starting her business?

·  Sally talks her first business plans.

Chapter 12: (Timestamp: 19:25)

·  When did Sally start her website?

·  Is Loftis Partners Sally’s first taste of being an entrepreneur?

Chapter 13: (Timestamp:  20:20)

·  Sally talks about family members who were entrepreneurs

Chapter 14: (Timestamp: 21:28)

·  Lyndsie asked Sally what book she would write when time allows?

·  Sally also talks about her new group ”the pay equity collective.”

Chapter 15: (Timestamp:  23:42)

·  Sally talks about how to get in touch with her.

Chapter 16: (Timestamp: 25:26)

·  Who are the people that hire you and join the collective?

Chapter 17: (Timestamp:  26:39)

·  Lyndsie asks Sally about the pay equity collective and how many months are included and a few details.

·  Sally and Lyndsie talk a little about square space and Mighty Networks and the collective groups

Chapter 18: (Timestamp: 33:41)

·  Lyndsie thanks Sally for all of the information and Sally offers her business services details


Unveiling the Power of Pay Transparency


Pay Transparency, Equity, and Justice with Sally Loftis