How to Start a Nonprofit Board
Managing a board can be a full-time job for a nonprofit director. Board meetings require large amounts of preparation and planning. The board members may rotate every year, so a nonprofit director is constantly bringing on new people. Plus, nonprofit boards are volunteer positions, which means that board member engagement can wane in busy times.
How to Start a Strategic Planning Process
The strategic planning process takes many forms, and a strong one is constructed through an inclusive process where all stakeholder voices are heard. Dominant culture values speed over depth. A way to break out of dominant culture practice is to slow down the process. An inclusive process takes time & energy, and it builds buy-in through co-creation. Below is a basic outline to get you started.
Nonprofit Board Recruitment – It’s an Ongoing Process
During this pandemic, nonprofit leaders may be facing a higher board member attrition rate, which can leave nonprofits in a tough position. When several board members leave over a few months, the nonprofit leader and board chair are scrambling for new members. Here are some tips that I share with my clients.